Do you reckon that you will be freed? While Lord Allah has not yet made clear those among you who do Jihad and don’t take as patrons other than Allah, His Messenger, and the believers? And Allah is Acquainted with whatever you are doing.
Mankind created in the Paradise is deputed to earth to testify them with what they have been provided as explained in verses 5: 48 and 6: 165. All 313 Messengers from Noah to Muhammad have been sent with Adhikr—the Guidance, Food, Cloth and Sight of the human soul—as explained in verses 4: 163 and 7: 26. Today, only Arabic Quran reading Fujjar—the people of Messenger—are reading these verses among mankind. But by forgetting Adhikr, they have become the worthless as told in verse 25: 18. The Arabic Quran reading Fujjar are the Mujirims who are serving Satan as explained in verse 7: 40. They are following the footsteps of Satan as explained in verses 2: 168-169. The believer shouldn’t select the cursed and wrath affected hypocrites and Mushriks as protectors and friends neglecting the command of the verses 3: 28 and 4: 144. See explanation 2: 254-255; 4: 59 and 5: 55-56.